

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nadine is in her room and resting. She was pretty aware when she got settled and looks pretty good for having endured 3 1/2 hours of surgery. I won't be surprised if she is blogging and emailing before we leave Rochester, most likely on Friday.


Neal Gray said...

Thanks for keeping us posted, Alan!! I really appreciate it. Please tell Nadine I'm thinking about her every day.

Susan F. said...

Happy Birthday! I wish you a speedy recovery, a safe trip back to Arlington, and we'll see you back on the trails!

Aunt Judy said...

Thank-you, Alan for posting. Happy Birthday, Nadine.
Jeff and I are thinking good thoughts about you and know you will be back to your usual escapades with your buddies soon.
Hope your Mom is holding up as well as you! (Just kidding.)