

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Home Again

Got home last night in the middle of Halloween. Barry managed to watch our kids for the week and STILL be interested in picking us up at the airport! He even parked and came out and met us! (He comes here often enough that I never do that anymore.....) Then I got home and found all the little improvements he'd made while he was here. There's a mirror in the downstairs bathroom now (on the wall I mean, besides the medicine chest one above the sink), a big fancy antenna for the TV that actually works, a new flourescent bulb for over the kitchen sink and... here's the big one -- a motion sensor light on the outside of the house! Last time Barry visited (just COlumbus day weekend) we'd taken a long walk at night and I'd pointed out a motion sensor light and mentioned that I'd always wanted one of those. I wasn't hinting, really.... at that point I was still thinking Kathy and Ted might be coming last week.

I asked the kids about it and they confirmed that Barry did indeed spend a lot of time at Home Depot last week.....

ANyway I am feeling pretty well, just more tired than usual. I mean, I feel like myself mostly, just sticking out in funny places (that's the drains, which I stick in these drain pockets in this camisole they prescribed at the Mayo.) However, I slept late today and then I took a nap -- and didn't walk the dog. It was a beautiful day -- I will have to get out earlier tomorrow and/or Monday so I don't miss the nice days -- I am allowed to walk the dog, even 4 miles if I feel like it, as long as I hold her in my left hand. (This might be the time to consider getting a "gentle leader" to discourage pulling....)

It's nice that ALan's making dinner. Hopefully he will be able to stay home the first half of next week and keep doing that. I got to Farmer's Market today without driving (Barry took me and brought me home before getting into the taxi he'd prearranged.) I'm not on any narcotics, but my right arm is a little stiff and sore and it's nice not to drive. ANyhow I might have gotten enough in the way of veggies to get us through the first half of the week until maybe I feel like driving again?

The wierdest thing is the itching. I itch in places I can't scratch, because they're numb (probably that's why I'm feeling so little pain) and even in places I don't HAVE anymore, like my right nipple. (What am I supposed to do about THAT? Call the Mayo and ask them to find it and scratch it?) Oh yeah and there is the buzzing after I strip and empty the drains. I'm pretty sure it's fluid draining out of me, but it feels more like my cell phone is going off while clipped to my side and set to vibe. (Of course my cell phone is on the other side of the room in my backpack, sent to ring, and it's nice and quiet.)

My flowers from the Bethesda Babes actually made the journey back, wrapped in a wet washcloth and plastic bag, and carried on the plane, with the nice glass vase packed in a suitcase. We took a few flowers from the arrangements Judy and Jeff sent too, and mixed them in. The others I gave to the nurses, who totally deserved them -- I haven't been to many hospitals, but I can tell you that I most definitely got superior care at that one (Rochester Methodist.) ANyway the flowers are now on the dining room table.

I'm allowed to walk and work out at home on the elliptical, as soon as I feel up to it, and allowed to bike for transportation as long as I feel balanced. I'm not on a narcotic, but I do have this stuff called ultram -- or tramidol, which I take at bedtime. Just one. It makes me sleepy and takes away what little discomfort I have from the surgery. Last night I rigged up a pillow structure so I could sleep face down and it was delicious.

I'm probably forgetting something -- but dinner's ready, so I'll leave it there.

1 comment:

marettesyndrome said...

Welcome home girl! Glad you are not having much pain. That has got to make things a tad easier. A "gentle leader" is probably a great idea for walks with Pinky. We hope you were able to enjoy a beautiful fall day today. It's been gorgeous here. Just enough rain to sweeten the air and make it feel like it really is November.
Love S & M