It made my day, you know? I realized after that that I have seen this haircut on black women before. I hadn't thought of it til I got the compliment -- maybe because the lifeguard is black. (Her hair's long & braided, though.) Here, I'll see if I can add some pictures from this past memorial day weekend when I was learning to row. (WeCanRowDC novice training weekend)
Sorry -- that's the best I can do for these pictures at the moment.
I had my two molars extracted this afternoon. It was simpler than I thought. I hope the spots heal well and no complications. I am not real happy about having the teeth out before they were dropping out of my mouth...... I keep thinking I'll get over it. It's interesting how that bothers me (not a LOT but sort of relentlessly; every time I think about it, I'm still not happy about it) while I was always fine about losing the breast. Maybe I owe that all to the doctor who showed me the MRI right away.
He showed it to me before telling me I needed a mastectomy. I saw it and wanted that bad boy OFF! and have never looked back. Now I hear about all these women with identity issues about mastectomies. Maybe more of them would be happy to be lopsided too if only they'd gotten to see the picture of the cancer first, and choose for themselves? There was not really an equivalent thing they could have done about the teeth -- I guess they could have shown me pictures of abscesses....... but it would not have had the same impact as the MRI picture of MY breast, all lit up like the 4th of July. The abscesses were always a possible scenario, not a sure thing.
Anyway. I went on a nice bike ride this morning before the extractions -- so i wouldn't lose a workout day. Might not do much tomorrow, but I'm told I should be fine by Friday. And even tomorrow, maybe........