

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Rosa Won!

I must have blogged about Rosa before..... she's on my list of "heroes" on the side, so if you want a quick description of who she is, take a peek. I used to bike with her -- but she started training for the senior games around when I started chemo, so I couldn't keep up anymore....... but she sped up more than I slowed down; most of the younger bikers (you know, my age) haven't been able to keep up with her either, for the last year since she started training.

Anyway, lookit this, she won! She didn't believe me, but I told her she might really win!

Rosa Seemann crosses the finish line first in both the 20K and 40K races at the 2009 National Senior Games, the "Senior Olympics," this week. Her times place her fifth overall in a field of 244, aged 50 to 89. She is 72 years old. She will compete in both a 5K and a 10K time trial on Monday. Sr Games: http://www.2009seniorgames.org/ BoB: http://www.babesonbikes.org/

And they say I'm inspiring!!!

Meanwhile --
I'm feeling better. Yesterday I biked 35 miles, walked 3 m of hills with Pinky, and then swam half a mile -- but the big change is, I wasn't tired during or after these things. When I was done swimming I played with Em and her friend going off the diving board. I have never stopped biking/swimming, etc, but I haven't had the energy to play for awhile. (Hey you've got to have your priorities.....) I biked faster on Wednesday, 46 miles in almost the same time as the 35 yesterday (which is why I did more stuff after, yesterday. That and I wasn't tired!)

And now -- one more dog walk and hopefully a swim too, and tomorrow we're off to New Mexico! Back on the 18th.

I'm glad I seem to be getting my energy back before the trip -- but I wonder, will that mean I get restless if I don't get my wiggles out well enough? Might it be less of an issue because their whole family is athletic?