

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Thanks for all your well wishes, flowers, balloons, dinners, visits,prayers...... my goodness, no wonder I'm making such a speedy recovery, with all this help and support!

I'm going to spend one more night in the hospital, though it was my choice -- if I lived around here I'd likely have gone home, but the hotel wasn't so tempting. Plus, the nurses promised not to wake us every 4 hours to check our vitals tonight.

My surgery went well, and I feel pretty good. I have more arm mobility than I expected. I'm just a bit sore on the right, and can't sleep on my stomach. I have these drains I've been wearing on the outside of my clothes, but I guess outside of the hospital I should probably figure out how to fit them inside of my clothes. They're sort of gross, these two dangly plastic balls with body fluids in them -- but I guess guys do it all the time. ...

We're meeting with the PT people tomorrow and the oncologist. So far it looks like only 2 positive nodes were found during surgery, which makes a total of 3 with the initial one I had removed. If that is the final number it should bode well for me.

And now I'm going to sleep..... my surgeon's resident is going to come wiggle my leg at 6am.

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