

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Home Again!

Got home late last night, starving -- but instead of being completely uninspired about what to eat I found this great big box of salmon and sardines (!!!) waiting for me. Thank you Lenny & Janet!!! (As of this writing I have devoured a can of each.....) Then today ..... I've been tired ..... and I haven't even started on chemo yet! We did have to get up early every day in Minnesota, and didn't usually get to bed when we should have.

Yesterday we saw the "alternative therapies" doctor. (This was amazing because he was booked up until June. I don't know how we got lucky -- I jsut asked. They did everything I asked over there...... they were just great.) I thought he would know about herbs. He actually was down on supplements -- he said they would feed the tumor also and I should stop them. (Course by that logic I should starve myself, like Max Gerson said.) I have to figure out which ones to stop and which to stick with..... There are some herbs I have just started taking -- which are supposed to help stay tumor growth, strengthen the liver, build the blood. (Maybe I should wait on that last one til closer to the surgery or at least til I see whether my iron levels are going down with the chemo.) I was getting ready to check out herbs that strengthen the heart..... I guess I had still better look for that.

Basically the alternative therapies guy was all about meditation, and calm, lessening anxiety, and sleeping more. Oh and massage -- but I have to find that here. (Any leads?) The anxiety is hard... they took good enough care of me at the Mayo that they have quelled most of my anxiety about the cancer. Now as long as I have a good plan with a good local oncologist (to be firmed up next week) I will be able to relax about that, once I've started -- I think. BUt the daily anxiety about getting the kids where they want to go and up and to bed and stuff...... and not meeting their needs..... that's hard!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


My mom told me about your diagnosis and that you were coming to Mayo Clinic. I live here in Rochester and would be happy to make you dinner one night when you come back. I have also been through the breast clinic experience with a friend and it was overall very positive. Everyone from the patient educator to the surgeon, the oncologist, and the radiation oncologist were amazing. And everything possible was done to squeeze everything in in a timely manner to account for the fact that my friend was in CA and wanted to get home asap. We were tired from the 8 to 5 appointments, but it was definitely worth the experience! Stay strong and know that I am sending positive thoughts your way!

Pam....Sandy's daughter.