

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Much better now

The body aches seem to have ended, as has the sleep orgy (sigh.....that part of it was nice!) Last time I took advil was Thursday while waiting for chemo. The aches haven't returned yet. I was relieved that it lasted only 6 days rather than the 2 weeks the doctor predicted. (I wasn't very sick -- but still I can't remember when I've last been any kind of sick for two weeks!) It's usually only 2-3 days, unless I catch it on the day of onset and make it go away before it comes -- so I'm claiming chemo inspired delays in this case.

Now if only I could figure out how to do that with cancer I'd be golden. I don't have any practice, is the thing..... Plus, Alan points out that cancer is not exactly foreign to the body - which must make it harder to recognize as a problem. Still it oughtta be possible. I used to delay my ovulation (back when I ovulated at all!) because, according to a naturopath I used to see, I didn't like PMS. I also remember making a contraction go away during Matthew's birth. I was lucky enough to have them 5 minutes apart, even at pushing time, and ONE came in only a couple of minutes, before I was ready, so I willed it away.

WOuldn't you think with that kind of history I oughtta be able to figure out how to make the cancer go away and not come back?

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