

Thursday, May 8, 2008

... Gone tomorrow!

I'm practicing wearing scarves on my head -- call it transition day. I'm shedding so fast it's even bothering ME, and the scarf keeps it from getting all over everything.

When I washed it after swimming today so much came out I was quick to pick it up before the drain choked on it! No obvious bald spots though -- just thinner. (I think some people might even have hair this thin all the time -- but mine has always been thick and big.) I was careful to make sure no one else was in the showers when I shampooed, again. Will I have to be careful next week too, I wonder, when I take my pool cap off and there's no hair under it? I don't feel private -- about much of anything -- but I don't want to upset people. How upset will people be to see me bald, I wonder....?

I have what's left of my hair (half to 2/3 I would guess) in a ponytail under the scarf -- I hope there's enough left to give away.... though I don't know if it's long enough for Locks with Love. I love the idea of a cancer patient who's losing her hair giving it to be made for wigs for kids who have lost their hair.... well we'll see if it's possible.... it was/is 9" at its longest.

The cool thing is, I do finally feel a change in the shape of the tumor, just today. It's not oval anymore -- but bumpily shaped., as though it's getting eaten away at (unless it's growing, but I think that's got to be less likely at this moment, given the chemo.) Now that's worth giving up some hair for!!

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