

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I would say that this week has been the hardest one for me, i dont know why it just was, i have had a couple bad days just randomly about the whole thing. There were a couple of times i just burst into tears and cryed for a while, the whole time when i am accually thinking about what is going on i realize that i shouldn't be worried because my mom is in good hands ( even if we do have to wait like 1 and a half hours to have my moms blood drawn and talk to the doctor) in a sceduald appointment. ( dont bother about the spelling)

All in all i have had a pretty bad week exept i am really happy about all the offers to help us out, it means alot to me

(please let me know what you think about all of this!)


Unknown said...

Hi Emmy,

I'm sorry you are having a hard week. It is definitely hard to be going through something like this, especially when you are only 10.

By the way, you sound really grown up in your posting. I actually thought you were your mother talking at first.


Tara Claeys said...

Once again, you are so brave to be so in touch with such painful emotions, Emily. Please continue to vent and let your feelings out. We are here to listen and support your whole family through this time!
Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Hi Em,

This is Melissa from Chicago, your mom's cousin. I'm really glad you write. Do you feel like it helps just to get it out and written down? It always helps me.

I care about you and your family tremendously. If I were closer, I could bring you some food or take you out or something. I hope you feel the love from us even though we can't deliver it in person.

I'm actually happy for you that you can cry when you need to. Some people have such a hard time doing that, but it is soooo important. I'm not happy that you have such a reason to be sad, of course. But ignoring a bad thing doesn't take it away, does it?

Did you know that tears actually are physically good for you? They rinse out toxins and relieve stress.

I am praying for you and your family, and especially that your mom will get completely well. I'll be thinking of you especially this week, Emmy, and hoping that it won't feel quite so hard.

Much love,

Unknown said...


i thought about you saturday night. we had some of my family and marjorie's mom in town for dario's baptism, and we wanted to play a family game. we did not play the card-spitting uno or taboo (which *i* wanted to do), but we did play a game we havne' played with your family yet bt that i think you would find fun.

[my family is so loud--we didn't even think about trying "pit" with the bell!]

the game:
everyone in a big group gets a big piece of paper and a pencil. you fold the paper a bunch of times (like you were making a greeting card out of it). then each person writes a sentence about something and passes it to the next person. then in the next section of paper each person DRAWS what the first person wrote. then pass again. form here on out, each person can only look at the fold JUST BEFORE them, and the group takes turns either writing what they see or drawing what they read, moving through the folds of paper until it is full.

this is a much more fun version of the game you have probably played called "telephone", where you whisper in each other's ear...

hope to see you soon!
