

Monday, April 28, 2008

Feeling Better!

Around midday today I turned a corner. It was almost in time to swim..... it was in time to walk but it was raining buckets. (Pinky won't come out when it's raining. She thinks she's a cat.) It was still good though -- I was hungry!

I got my bike back from Jonathan (world's best bike mechanic) even though it's only good for a couple of weeks. He says it needs an overhaul -- I'm planning to get it to him JUST before my next treatment. I'm going to be ready to bike by the time it stops raining now..... which looks like Wednesday. I hope this treatment regimen works because it seems like it might be doable.... (I don't feel the tumor shrinking yet..... pity if it doesn't. But it's only been 4.5 days so far.)

I have to remember that how I feel isn't exactly an indication of how well the treatment is working ... it's just recuperation from the meds. Still it feels like a kind of victory to be out from under the cycle of nausea/ dizziness & sleepiness caused by the nausea medication. I feel like I'm not quite myself without my energy. Maybe even more than without my hair! Course I don't know about that yet.....hair's still here.

OH here, I have a question. My friend Cara who cuts my hair offered to cut it short for me when she comes over to style my wig (probably wednesday. And no I don't know how much I will use the wig -- maybe just for work so i don't scare the small children.... maybe not even then.) Her thinking is that if I have a short haircut it will be less of a shock when it all falls out. I'm undecided about whether to take her up on it. My instinct is to keep my hair long and wild for as long as possible.... but on the other hand she's really good with hair and this would be a chance to try something new that I might not usually have the guts to try..... So -- who knows what I will do, but I'd love to hear opinions!


Butter Vixen said...

Since I dyed my hair purple before mine fell out, I have a certain "try the thing you always wanted to try" bias on this question. So, my advice would be have fun! Play! And take pictures!

Unknown said...

Saw your latest post…

Yeah, I'd say go for it with playing with different hair styles! Oh! You could start out by cutting a little off and playing with one style, then cut some more and play with another. Keep going until you either find one you really like, you get bored, or Cara gets fed up with cutting your hair!

I wonder if Emily might have fun helping you too....
