

Friday, April 25, 2008

1st chemo treatment

I had my first chemo treatment yesterday. It went well. I did have a moment during the cytoxan drip when it didn't feel right....it got swimmy around my eyes. They slowed the drip and it got better. Then I started worrying about the time..... I had a 12:30 job. I didn't want to cancel because it was my last time with this family and therapist, because the therapist got a new job, and I know they all like me and that there have always been complaints about the interpreter when I have had to cancel. I did make it, but I was 10 mins late.

I called ahead -- my agency knows what's going on and I had no complaints. I was a little sleepy at the job (that happens sometimes pre-chemo anyway.... happens to me on all slow moving jobs.) After that I came home & walked the dog to pick up Emily. After I came home I was tired -- and after I lay down I started to feel nauseous. I took an antinausea medication, but it really took until 6pm to work -- an hour and a half after I took it. After that I went to sleep..... and slept and slept. (I did get up for a midnight snack and to say hi to Matthew.) This morning I slept instead of going on the bikeride, like a lazy teenager.

I did walk the dog 4 miles...... and I have another convenient excuse for not having biked...... the bike was doing that thing again (on Tuesday when I last rode it) where it complained when I was in most gears.... other that the one IT wanted me to be in. So it's at the bike doctor's today.


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