

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Radiation Burn Return

Of course it turned out that I was in fact sick (surprise surprise! to no one but me, probably.) Perhaps the symptoms mimicked my taxol side effects because my body remembered them, someone said last night. (It sounded more plausible the way she said it.) Yesterday I was clearly better but not quite all the way -- today I do feel all better though. TOo bad we only have a couple more days here.....

I have another new thing, though. Not sure if this is because of the illness or the herbs Lenny's chinese doctor gave me for them (those are the two most plausible guesses so far) but my radiation burn is back! It came back MOnday.

I mean, my radiation was done on March 20th, and it left a nasty looking burn that took a month to heal after that. But still it's been all better for months -- just a little browner than the skin around it. And suddenly Monday night it felt itchy -- so i checked in the mirror and it was red and angry looking! I thought at first it must be because I had stopped oiling it for a couple of days while i was sick -- but I started again and the burn area continued getting worse. NOw it has itchy raised bumps along the upper edge and behind my armpit. I emailed my radiation onc, who is wonderful in person and always responds to my emails right away -- but all he would tell me is that I need to come in. (I knew he would, too......) SO I have to call tomorrow and schedule a visit for Tuesday -- just what I want to do with my time on my kids' first day of school..... and really, what's he going to do anyway?

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