

Friday, March 20, 2009


Good thing, too. I'm fried! Today's the first day it has hurt sometimes when it's not being touched. I noticed on the bike ride and kept trying to adjust my clothing and it didn't really work.... because the problem is the skin itself. I think probably I am burned worse for having swum. (I did notice that the burn seemed worse the day after swimming, the last 2-3 times I swam. Now I'm planning to stay out of the pool for probably a couple of weeks til the skin's healed. However -- it was worth it to swim, and I probably got the weeks out of the pool down from the recommended 4 to 2.

I led the bike ride today. I think I made it too long, for me (40m). I figured out during the ride that perhaps I do have some fatigue from radiation, but it's like the chemo fatigue -- completely invisible til I try to ride with the Babes. (I still have more energy than most people.) I have been riding all winter, & 40 miles would usually be fine under those circumstances..... but with the treatment, I think perhaps not. I think I will shoot for 25-30 m rides for the next couple. Course I might feel better if I get to nap sometimes. See I really couldn't take daytime naps during the week while I was having radiation. I could really only squeeze one thing in between radiation and the end of the school day..... if it was a nap, that would be all I'd get to do......

And on that note -- I need a nap now! I'd just go to bed, but Matthew is out and will call for a ride in about an hour I think.


Unknown said...

Yee haw and mazel tov! I'm so glad you are finished. Yippee!

Unknown said...

Oh, hell yeah.

I don't mean to put you in a you-are-so-incredibly-strong-heroine-whup-ass-and-take-names-box...but damn.

Just in time to ramp up Mom's Taxi Service.

Maybe you could get Matthew a fake driver's license. Or a bike?

Nadine said...

Actually Matthew is eligible for a driver's permit now, and a license 6 months later....