The driving was fine last weekend (I was surprised!) and the wedding was well worth it. And the water tasted good! I knew it would -- and brought empty jugs and filled them -- marvelling at the fact that the water from the bathroom sink in the Catskills is better than the stuff from our expensive filter here. It was nice to be able to drink lots of water and be able to trust it.
Joan loaned me electronics for the car, which helped with the kids in the car -- and that may be what tires me more than the driving, actually. They only used them on the way out, not back -- but still they helped.
Today instead of biking I voted, went to three grocery stores (ugh, but we were out of so much food, and I need to leave the house stocked for my kids and Barry, who will be staying with them.) I also went to the bank and went swimming. (I got a mile and 2 lengths in in 42 mins, so I'm speeding up again -- or at least I'm once again able to speed up when I'm late.) Now I can ride tomorrow, and Friday. ON Thursday I have to go to G-town to see the 2nd radiation oncologist (saw the first on MOnday) and afterwards I go upstairs to the chemo party -- it's BOnnie and Christine's last chemo day, and Nancy's 2nd last. I will bring the fruit, but I don't know what to do about the pyjamas. Maybe they will give me a pass -- I wouldn't be able to fit them in my backpack on top of my scans and slides (for the Rad Onc) and fruit salad. That oughtta get me out of it.... in fact the real problem is that I don't really wear pyjamas; I usually wear old comfortable tops and long undies and socks to bed, when it's cold -- and nothing, when it's warm. (Birthday suit is not always the same as party clothes....)
I still have lists of things to do before I leave for Minnesota -- flu vaccines, take Matthew to physical therapy, Emily to the orthodontist, make copious lists for Barry, who has known them since forever but never taken care of them. (My in laws would have been easier that way, but Kathy is still not well enough to travel after her surgery on 10/1.) I am already making lists for after we get back, because I won't get it all done.... Maybe after I get there I will get nervous about the surgery itself -- at the moment I can't get past the thought of leaving the kids for a week. I find myself hoping it has something to do with her tylenol-only pain management, because I don't think I'm going to have time to be laid up for anything like that long....
Meanwhile, the trip is coming together. We will fly on Sunday, Mom will come on Monday, and we get a bonus -- Zack and Lynn will come from Chicago!
And now I should probably sleep..... this IS recovery month, after all. Sleep is my weak link, I know..... I did a good job at dinner, though -- I had venison. (I had all month to work on boosting my iron, so in typical Nadine fashion I'm cramming it in in the last week......)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
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