

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I have an appointment to have a tooth extracted -- which is weird, at our age. The tooth is resorbing -- hollowing out on the inside. The dentist said it's from pressure, from grinding -- which is odd since lots of people do that, and I've been doing it all my life, so why would the tooth suddenly be resorbing now? I do have ONE possible reason..... indirectly caused by bisphosphinates.... ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' I had a couple of molars on my left side extracted in preparation for the bisphosphinates, which can cause a LOT of problems with teeth & jaw, esp. if any problems (esp. extractions) happen during and too soon after bisphosphinates are taken. I got advised to have these two molars out so they wouldn't need to be etxtracted during or too close to the bisphosphinares -- back in spring 2009. They had a "poor prognosis," but they were FINE and I take great care of my teeth and they would have been here still, I'm SURE, and for awhile yet .....but I had them out -- the threat to my teeth and jaw was too scary. (Which is ironic considering the problem might be worsened by having had them out....) Anyway, after the left molars were extracted I started chewing most of my food on the right because it suddenly had a lot more grinding surface. So that side suddenly started getting a lot more pressure from chewing -- that was just about 3 yrs ago, early July 2009. The endodontist I saw 2 weeks ago said that the hollowed-out root (in my lower RIGHT molar, where I now chew most of my food) looks like it's been going on for at least 2 years. ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' I came home from the endodontist's and called the oral surgeon immediately -- which is a remarkable thing for me; I never do that. And 2.5 weeks was the best they could do. I told them I thought it was too long..... that it would abscess by then. They said, Well call us if any problems..... (I really wanted to say "I AM!") But I didn't -- and sure enough it started hurting a few days ago -- which had happened before and gone away, but this time my jaw hurt too -- which was new, and scary, and ironic, considering the bisphosphinate worries that got me here..... which everyone always tries to reassure me about using statistics. (Statistics? That's when you add everyone up and then divide by the # of people. How does it help ME if this issue only happens to one person in a million if I'm IT?) So I called and they prescribed antibiotics, which worked great, and moved my appt up a couple of days -- to tomorrow 11:30am. (Which is of course a sucky time, right in the middle of a bike ride....) I didn't realize it might be an infection til they mentioned antibiotics -- before that when the tooth hurt it was in a throbbing way, and I thought it was probably because the root-hollow was reaching the nerve. I have been refilling cavity-like hole on the side of it, and I can tell when I clean it that it's close to the nerve, so that made sense.... Until recently when it would hurt I'd figure it was time to change the filling..... ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' ` . ' , ' BTW please excuse all the funny punctuations dotting the spaces between parragraphs. Google seems to have removed the ability to make paragraphs -- and I'm trying to find a way to make spaces in between paragraphs.....

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