

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

inauguration -- quick PS

I didn't take pictures.... but if I had I would have taken one of this:

There was a man just a few people over from me, a round faced black man with a winter coat and hood on, and when Obama was speaking he held a round faced toddler in an orange snowsuit up over his own head, and said "Can you see?" It was partucularly sweet because the man was no taller than me, and I knew he couldn't see himself, so he didn't actually know if the child could see -- but it was important to him that his little one had been bundled up and brought out and actually SEEN this historic event.
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The only other thing worth mentioning was that I gave Em my warm down vest this am when she left, and my "new" windbreaker (from freecycles -- but Em liked it at least in part because it was North Face.) She didn't want to wear her own nice white vest that she wears to school every day because it was tight on her layers...... and I was at that point not sure I was going.

Alan worried about what I would wear if I were to go, so I put Em's vest on. It was tight so had to be underneath my jackets -- but it fit... just. Alan pointed out as he was going out the door with Em that it was a good thing I had just the one breast now..... and it's true, I would not have been able to zip that vest up last September -- and it kept my whole torso and back nice and warm!

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