Finally I have new pictures to post, courtesy of Joan. I'm going to post the one that shows my dirty teeth too clearly right in this post, where it can scroll down and disappear as new posts appear...... See, my dentist wouldn't touch me with a ten foot pole once I'd started chemo, but no one told me to see the dentist first, and I didn't think of it..... ANyway never mind; I'm going to make an appt. to get all those stains removed the week after chemo and hope she will see me that soon after so I can smile at Steve and Liz's wedding. The other one will now be the first one seen at the top of the blog
Look, I have enough hair to have helmet head! See how the hair is kinda bumpy? It's not, usually -- just when I've just taken my helmet off. It's starting to stick out on the side a little in the morning, too -- which means it's long enough for bedhead!
I rode fast today, though the ride was short (25 miles.) I used to want to do a detour for more miles on the way back from Bethesda, because 25 was kinda short -- like only a few weeks ago. Now I think 25 is probably about right. (Makes me grumble -- I've never stopped, and usually if you keep going, biking 2-3 times a week, you get stronger! But nooooo.... that's chemo for you.) But never mind -- the light at the end of the chemo tunnel is quite bright at this point. Anyhow, today I rode fast, explaining that I was trying to keep my adrenaline up so my pain medicine would work better. (They all think I'm nuts, I'm sure.) I'm really happier being a whirling dervish, anyway -- and it really DOES seem to make the aches less. Plus, it's nice at home, too, for Alan. Well sometimes it's a little much for him, but at least I'm DOING stuff, so he doesn't have to do it all, which he was, last weekend, when I was trying to take less medication without speeding up my pace.
Now if only I could find a way to give Alan my quick bikeride to Bethesda. He told me last night that he's applied for a job just 3 miles north of Bethesda but that if he gets it the commute is going to be awful. It really is too bad he doesn't like to bike..... (I mean yeah, his bike died, but I can get him another one, not new but in good working condition.) However, he'd have to bike around 15 miles each way, to work. (Sounds wonderful to me. And he likes to save money!) The bikepaths really are the most direct route to Bethesda..... by any other route it would take a good 25 miles.... but biking it would be my thing, not his. Maybe he will get his license and take the car -- then the only problem would be what to do when the kids needed to be picked up, how to get the groceries... and I could only take jobs that were bikeable..... which would kill most of those last minute assignments.
Today Joan made a funny on the ride. I was talking about how my chemo was winding up, and how the surgery would be good because it's so concrete, and the healing from it will be finite and clear. She said, "The surgery is going to take something out of you." I said "I sure HOPE so; that's the idea!" She walked right into that one, didn't she....?
Congratulations on seeing the light at the end of the road - and making such a great joke! My best so far has been the response to "have you lost weight?"..."well, only locally!"
Yay! New pictures!
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