

Friday, August 15, 2008


Forgot to mention in the update I posted earlier today -- I seem to be growing hair. It feels like peach fuzz, but it's the same color it was before, brown on top and white on the sides. (That works out just fine with long hair, as long as you don't pin it back; then all the white shows. I'm going to look like I've gone a lot grayer now, though, until it grows long again.)

It seems early, though. I've been growing it since I started taxol, which is exactly opposite from what I expected..... I heard that if I didn't lose my hair with the adriamycin, I would most certainly lose it with the taxol. So what does it mean that I'm growing hair while on taxol? YOu know what I'm worried about..... that it means it's not working. I did ask the doctor about it last time I saw her (a week ago yesterday) and she said it's a normal thing.....
However, she was not clear on whether it's "real" hair or intermittent hair, which will go and come again later. I suppose it could be either......

I guess there are a lot of "normal" things. I have a new friend who I met on the infusion unit who goes to the same oncologist -- who says she has shrunk two bra sizes and our doctor told her that's normal, too. Probably something about less estrogen. She likes the new size -- I guess she was huge before, because she's quite large now. Maybe it's a normal thing for large breasted women.... my size is just the same as always -- well the same as after Matthew finished nursing, which is a little smaller than before he was born. :-D (He's still the better eater!)

One more thing -- I have been hearing that LOTS of people are reading this blog. That's great! However, I get no comments here, day after day and week after week. I did, in the beginning. I think you can post a comment by clicking on the thing that says "0 comments." If when you click on it it says 1 or 2 or something comments, then you can read what other people have said in their comments when you click on it.

I'm just saying this in case people don't know how to post comments. I suspect a lot of people know and just aren't doing it -- but I would LOVE to have comments posted! It would make me feel like someone really is reading this and it's not just another form of mental masturbation, which is what it feels like sometimes..... though I do get email responses from a few people, which are nice, too.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Because the author, me, decided that what I posted was really inane and reflected insomnia.

Hey, cousin.

Thought I'd get the ball rolling.

For some reason Google publishes all posts Pacific Standard Time.

I'm boarding a boxer/pitbull mix named Audrey for two months. She's the sweetest dog, unless your a cat. If you are a cat, you've got problems.

She likes having her posterior scratched.

It's the first dog I've ever looked after. I have a feeling I'm going to have a dog in my future.

Unknown said...

Hi N,

This is definitely not mental masturbation. I am so glad that you do this blog because I feel like I can keep up to date on what is going on with you!

Adam has been asking about you guys, especially Emily and Pinky.

Speaking of hair, Adam got his hair cut today and they removed all his curls even though we said to leave some. Sigh.

marettesyndrome said...

Jeff, thanks for the info about PST. I was confused by that.

I just got my hair cut too. She said "so you just want it shaped then?" Yes! Well, I now have a VERY short haircut. With no waves left either. Good thing I like it. But I feel for Adam.

I'm trying to teach Sharon how to leave comments. She's usually the techy one, but for some reason this intimidates her! We check and read your blog daily and really appreciate having all the details about what is going on.
-Maretta and Sharon

Billcoe said...

Hi Nadine -

You mean all I do is click on "0 comments" and I can post? Who knew??

I love reading your blog. You are strong and amazing - but you must learn to pamper yourself - take it from Bill, the hopeless expert!

Now - soy is no great loss. Please try goat's milk chevre, and yogurt and sweet acidophilus milk. Who needs heavy weight workouts? How about Tai Chi (can a billion Chinese people be wrong?)

We gotta shop this week-end and find you some colorful bits of Arizona fabric - maybe Hopi or Pima...

To all -- all the best from far out West... Bill & Rich