

Friday, June 6, 2008

3rd chemo treatment

Yesterday i biked both to and from georgetown for chemo, and the biggest obstacles were the trees that had fallen on the path in the previous day's storm. Really they were quite impressive. One I could walk around (in the mud, because it covered the whole bikepath.) That's the one that was gone by 4pm when I was on my way back. The other two were so big and blocked so much of the path and surrounding grass that I either had to lift my bike between the trunk and branches (I had help -- it was the heavy bike!) or leave the path and ride in the adjoining parking lot. (That was on the way back -- joan thought of it.)

The nurse was great this time, and the doctor sent up instructions.... i think the instructions said to infuse the cytoxan over 2 hours rather than at a rate of 100 ml/hr, which is closer to 3 -- but the nurse listened to me and set it for 100 ml/hr, thank goodness. I will make sure I get those instructions written clearly next time in case i get a different chemo nurse. The nurse came by at one point and asked if i wanted it sped up -- but i did feel the beginning of symptoms; they just didn't get worse. She suggested i take an ativan (an antinausea med -- I had brought some, thinking i might need some onthe way home.)

I hadn't thought of taking one during the chemo before because the beginning symptoms don't feel like nausea is where they are headed -- but the doctor had mentioned, when i'd described them to her, that that is what they are.

I haven't eaten yet since i got back though. i have this wonderful lunch sitting in the fridge -- really it was last night's wonderful dinner, for the rest of them. I'm going to go have mine!

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